Here are some select samples of my audio work.
Here are some select samples of my audio work.
Computer Game Artwork
Examples of in-game and product packaging/marketing art from computer games.
While in computer games, the technology took me from creating 32 x 32 pixel sprites to animate football players all the way to utilizing Alias Wavefront 3D software on an SGI Indigo II Extreme in the space of 5 years.

Creating interesting splash screens in spite of the color and resolution limitations made for intriguing art challenges. I did all of the graphics and animation for this PC game.

The player animations were 32 x 32 pixels at their largest. The challenge was developing multiple teams and a variety of movement - running, blocking, tackling, throwing, front/back/side angles and more - within those 32 pixels.

Cut scenes were used to give a flavor to the game with off the field illustrations of events. Limited to six colors in the palette these images created a design challenge.

Cut scenes were used to give a flavor to the game with off the field illustrations of events. Limited to six colors in the palette these images created a design challenge.

As the hardware allowed for more colors in the palette, the opening splash screens could be used to create a mood for the game. Shadow President is a global political simulator with the player as President of the United States.

The GUI challenges in Shadow President were simple. Convey vast amounts of ever-changing information to the player while allowing them to get realtime action results and advice from the game's cabinet members.

To illustrate player actions and the response of the simulation, many animated cut scenes were provided to the player. Everyone's favorite was the nuking of a city. And I mean everyone.

CyberJudas was the sequel to Shadow President and one of the first games to be created using 3D software for the graphics.

We took advantage of the Alias Wavefront software to create real time information graphics for the user to understand vast amounts of data needed to play the game.

CyberJudas was one of the first computer games to create 3D cut scene animations using Alias Wavefront software. This is a scene from a surgical strike bombing of a factory using particle effects to generate the explosions.

We created 3D rooms for each of the Presidents Cabinet members to reflect their personalities and game attributes. This cabinet member's office was based on a Go board configuration.

These are examples of 3D graphics I developed (with invaluable assistance from Ken McCall) for packaging, cut scenes, the GUI, and animations showing the consequences of your actions in the game.

Electric Reading Land was an educational product designed to teach reading. We developed the look and feel with not only the child in mind, but the adult that would be playing along with them.

Electric Reading Land's graphics were made using both 2D and 3D imagery.